What People Are Saying About Major Gifts Ramp-Up

Major Gifts Ramp-Up Alumni…Leaders Committed to the Nonprofit Sector

Since MGRU’s inception over 17,000 Nonprofit Executives, Development Officers, Board Members, Volunteers, Special Event Coordinators, Marketing Directors, Pastors, and Church Leaders, have attended MGRU Events in the U.S., Europe, Asia, & the Caribbean. Take a look below to see what they are saying about Major Gifts Ramp-Up 2-Day Events:



The Faculty of National Development Institute will inspire your agency leaders to rethink the way they raise money. Check all of your pre-conceived notions at the door and open yourself up to a brand-new approach to capacity-building that really works. Our agency partners, staff and volunteers loved this event and were inspired by the big ideas their veteran team members had to offer. We look forward to bringing them back!”

Deborah Bowie, CEO

United Way of North Central Florida

Community Service Council of Tulsa, OK hosted Major Gifts Ramp-Up for our partner agencies (organizations funded by our Venture Grants) as well as other nonprofits in our community. Personally, I found Major Gifts Ramp-Up to be challenging, paradigm shifting and exactly what our organizations needed in the way of training. Conventional methods of fundraising were challenged with humor and insight. Their expert faculty engaged our grantees and inspired them to build capacity in new ways that work. Prepare to increase revenues if you put in place what you hear at these seminars. Feel free to call me with questions!”

Pamela Ballard, CEO

Community Service Council, Tulsa, OK

Major Gifts Ramp-Up is a spectacular program that’s both exciting and inspirational. Get as many of your agencies to attend because there are multiple ways the Major Gifts Ramp-Up can benefit you, your agencies, and your whole community of nonprofits. I’ve been doing UW for too many years to mention and I’ve never heard Alexandria offer these solid methods of finding your way in front of the big donors in your community… especially the ones you don’t even know are there!”

Ken Hinrichs, CEO

United Way of Okaloosa & Walton Counties

I’ve spent the last week receiving email messages, phone calls and personal visits thanking me for bringing Major Gifts Ramp-Up to Macon. Our agencies LOVED IT! This spectacular 2-day capacity-building conference was daring, confrontational and exactly what our organizations needed in the way of training. Conventional methods of management and fundraising were challenged with humor and insight. Their expert faculty engaged our grantees and inspired them to grow revenues in new ways that work. Prepare for significant change if you give your community the gift of MGRU. Feel free to call me with your questions!”

George McCanless, CEO

United Way of Central Georgia

We brought this event to Florida and found Major Gifts Ramp-Up to be the most important, provocative & entertaining capacity-building conference we’ve ever experienced. NDI’s Faculty were energized, outrageous and challenged everything our partner agencies believe about the raising of money. I highly recommend you give the gift of Major Gifts Ramp-Up to your community!”

Rob Rains, CEO

United Way of Brevard County

Major gifts ramp up gives the agencies development team and CEO the tools, timeline, and talent to significantly increases your donor gifts. Creating with you a curated plan to leverage your budget. In three years, we tripled individual giving and doubled our annual operating budget for a deeper community impact.”

Lauren Wilkie, LMSW, LCSW, LISW AP/CP

Safelight Executive Director

Bringing Major Gifts Ramp-Up to New York was right for our board, campaign staff, partner agencies and all the nonprofits in our community. This program was challenging, educational, fun and allowed our executive directors to interact with senior fundraising professionals for 2 full days for only $248 per person (for $498 you can send as many people as you’d like.) Simply put, Major Gifts Ramp-Up is the most comprehensive training and support platform I’ve ever seen. We have had nothing but positive feedback from all of the agencies that came. This was a real win!”

Brian Hassett, CEO

United Way of Greater Capital Region

Two words…AMAZING EXPERIENCE. Our Mid-Illinois Major Gifts Ramp-Up Event was provocative and pushed our agency directors to ‘re-imagine’ their roles as CEOs! (I’ve received only positive comments from those who attended.) MGRU Faculty challenged us to see charity through a new lens and then gave us the tools we needed to change. Our own United Way staff were inspired and are now poised for unprecedented campaign success. If you believe in nonprofit capacity-building than this program is for you.”

Debbie Bogle, President & CEO

United Way of Decatur & Mid-Illinois

Having served nonprofits for the past 40 years, I thought I'd seen everything! Then I attended Major Gifts Ramp-Up New York and experienced MGRU faculty's brilliant performance. Their unbounded enthusiasm, comic timing, exceptional sense of theater and insights into nonprofit management will change the way you view yourself and the raising of big gifts. This conference is a must-see, especially for those who think they’ve seen it all!”

Su Marcy, CEO

United Way of Ulster County